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At ChainSafe, we used to use lerna to manage our monorepos. It was not ideal but it got the job done. Since lerna is being taken over by nx and her future is not really clear, we decided to switch to yarn 3 and its workspaces.



Template is currently in WIP state.

To speedup setting up monorepo you can use yarn workspaces typescript template
For manual setup or to understate what is all inside template go to Setup section


1. Corepack

If you are running node@16+, you just need to run corepack enable. If you are running older version, run npm i -g corepack. Make sure you put this in README file for future contributors.

2. Init repository

  • Make sure your root package.json contains:
  "packageManager": "[email protected]",
"workspaces": [
  • Create .yarnrc.yml file with following content:
# size of cache is not concern if you aren't using zero-installs
compressionLevel: 0

enableGlobalCache: true

nmMode: hardlinks-local

nodeLinker: node-modules
  • Make sure your .gitignore file contains:

You can check out the FilSnap repository as an example of such a setup.


After you update your versions in package.json files, you can publish all packages by running yarn workspaces foreach -v --exclude root npm publish --access public

or in GitHub Actions:

     - env:
if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.releases_created }}
run: |
echo npmAuthToken: "$NODE_AUTH_TOKEN" >> ./.yarnrc.yml

- run: yarn workspaces foreach -v --exclude root npm publish --access public
if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.releases_created }}



Let's say you have the following scripts in your root package.json:

"scripts": {
"build": "yarn run build:local",
"build:local": "yarn workspaces foreach -vpt run build"


which you can fix by adding --exclude root or by changing build to yarn workspaces foreach -vpt run build instead of invoking another script.

Updating yarn version

Since your yarn version is checked into your GitHub repository it will be consistent across all contributors. But that also means you need to update it manually every now and then to stay up-to-date.

Checksum mismatch

This might be only temporary but yarn has some weird bug where git dependencies are packed (instead of used as it in v1) and their checksum is not the same on all operating systems.

An ideal way to fix this is something like this:

"resolutions": {
"web3/bignumber.js": "2.0.8",
"ethereumjs-abi": "0.6.8"

This would force usage of the bignumber.js, in the web3 dependency only, to npm version rather than git commit or ethereumjs-abi everywhere.

If you cannot do it you can put checksumBehavior: "update" in your .yarnrc file.

Migration from Lerna

  1. Run corepack enable
  2. Add "packageManager": "[email protected]" to your package.json (make sure to use latest version)
  3. If you used .npmrc or .yarnrc, you'll need to turn them into the new format
  4. Add following to your .yarnrc.yml file:
# size of cache is not concern if you aren't using zero-installs
compressionLevel: 0

enableGlobalCache: true

nmMode: hardlinks-local

nodeLinker: node-modules
  1. Commit the changes so far (package.json, .yarnrc.yml, ...)
  2. Run yarn install to migrate the lockfile
  3. Add the following to .gitignore:
  1. Install the following plugins:
yarn plugin import interactive-tools
yarn plugin import workspace-tools
yarn plugin import typescript
yarn plugin import
  1. Delete lerna.json and remove lerna dependency
  2. Add the following to package.json
"private": true,
"workspaces": [
  1. In package.json scripts:
    1. replace lerna run <command> with yarn workspaces foreach -vpt run <command>
    2. replace lerna run --scope <pkg> <command> with yarn workspace <pkg> <command>
  2. Set packages that depend on each other to "@chainsafe/pkgB": "workspace:^" - this will force using local packages and will be replaced with a version before publishing
  3. Don't forget to do changes in CI if necessary
  4. Run yarn again to update a lockfile
  5. Commit everything

Updating monorepo versions

To enable version commands, you need to install the version plugin: yarn plugin import version

Make sure to read more about the new workspace resolution option:

Independent versioning

If you track versions of your package independently, you can use yarn workspace workspace-1 version -i <major|minor|patch|semver range> but it's probably better to automate this using release please

Uniform versioning

If, on the other hand, you view all your monorepo packages as one cohesive unit with an exact version across the board, you can use the following command to update versions: yarn workspaces foreach -v version -i 5.0.0.